Michael Townsend (that's me) has been making art since he can't remember, but it was at the age of seven that he won an art contest and realized he was destined to become a struggling/starving artist.
After years of drawing, reading comics, and sending submissions to a million places, one of the submissions came back non-rejected.
That non-rejection resulted in his very first children's book 'Billy Tartle in Say Cheese!' (Illustrated and written by me)
Ever since, he has been struggling to make more fun comics and books (and happily not starving yet).
It wasn't until after his career was well underway that his mother sadly informed him that the contest he won was not merit based but by the luck of the draw (no pun intended).
His life was based on a lie:)
If you want to contact Mike (me) feel free to send your words and questions via the e-mail address below!!!! (also below- the actual drawing I made at age seven!)